Conditions treated
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Acupuncture restores balance. It addresses symptoms at their root and uses minimal intervention. It is used to treat people of all ages with a range of conditions. It can be safely and effectively used alongside conventional medicine and treatments.
Many people find acupuncture a beneficial treatment option for a range of disorders and symptoms. This, by no means a comprehensive list, includes:
-Cancer care
-Circulatory conditions – Reynaud’s syndrome
-Chronic fatigue & low energy
-Digestive issues
-Gynaecological – period pains, endometriosis, breech baby, delayed labour
-Headaches & migraines, tinnitus
-Mens health & wellbeing – erectile issues
-Womens health & wellbeing
-Emotional – stress, anxiety, depression
-Musculoskeletal – pain, stiffness, arthritis, sciatica
-Respiratory – asthma, allergies, bronchitis, rhinitis
-Skin conditions – psoriasis, eczema, acne
-Sleep Problems – insomnia
-Urinary issues
The British Acupuncture Council outlines evidence of effective treatment for the following conditions: